Tag Archives: New York Criminal Record Sealing Attorney

The Role That Having a Criminal Record Plays In Crime and Poverty
In March, Forbes featured an interesting multi-part series covering the impact a criminal record has on nearly 65 million Americans and their ability to find work, and how this ultimately leads to ongoing criminal activity and poverty. The last part of the series was featured on March 31st, which we discuss in greater detail… Read More »

Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Regarding Criminal Record Sealing Policies Filed In New York Federal Court
A settlement submitted to a federal court in New York for approval on April 5th highlights an important issue regarding employers and criminal record screening policies that result in discrimination. The case involved was brought as a class action lawsuit against the company Target for violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, alleging… Read More »

Trying To Start a Business with a Criminal Record
Trying to get a job with a criminal record can be more challenging than you might realize. Even individuals looking to the world of self-employment as a means of getting around the strict criminal background checks that many 9-to-5 jobs require face hurdles, as there are a number of businesses you cannot start if… Read More »

Federal Bill Seeks To Help Ex-Offenders, But Does It Go Far Enough?
While states like New York have already passed laws that allow certain individuals with criminal records to get their records sealed so that they can move on past the collateral consequences of having a criminal record, get paying jobs, and reenter society as productive citizens, there has yet to be a federal bill seeking… Read More »

Sex Trafficking Victims Penalized Via Criminal Records
You may be surprised to find out that one group of people that routinely suffers from the collateral consequences of having a criminal record includes sex trafficking victims, who almost always have criminal records that keep them from starting over with their lives. Perhaps most importantly, the criminal record these victims have can ruin… Read More »

New York’s Record Sealing Law Can Change Lives
In a story recently covered by Queens News and Community, one Queens resident described her anticipation for the ‘clean slate’ she hopes New York’s new record sealing law will provide after getting in trouble with the law once while she was in high school. The episode sadly altered the course of her life. After… Read More »

New Study Draws Direct Correlation between Minimum Wage and Criminal Recidivism
According to a new study out of Clemson University, minimum wage is directly related to criminal recidivism. This is further support of the fact that without the ability for those who have served their time to move on, obtain employment, and earn a decent wage they are more likely to end up back in… Read More »

How Human Resources Instructs Employers on Employees with Criminal Records
As attorneys who have dedicated our careers to helping New York citizens avoid the harmful effects of having criminal records, we are used to advising people on the consequences. However, it is one thing to hear from your attorney how important it is to clear your record, but it another thing altogether to see… Read More »

The Connection between Having a Criminal Record & Serving in the Military
Harvard University—in conjunction with Amherst—has released very important research concerning former felons outperforming other employees with “clean records.” These studies offer compelling statistics when it comes to changing the lifelong consequences of having a criminal record. The studies undertaken were unique in their own way because they based their research on the U.S. military—the… Read More »

“Challenging the ‘Life Sentence’ Of Unemployment”
On January 4th, Inside Sources published an important story describing how we, as a society, can no longer afford to continue to toss aside the vast human potential represented by job applicants with criminal histories. It is truly time to address one of the most devastating collateral consequences following every American with a criminal… Read More »